George M. Crews Apps

Piping Flexibility Calculator 13.07.14
Piping Flexibility Calculator (PFC) gives pipestress analysts and piping engineers a quick and easy way to verifythe flexibility of carbon and stainless steel piping layouts. UsingPFC saves time and reduces the risk the designer will have to makecostly layout modifications once final stress analyses arecompleted by the stress engineer.With practice, designers can use PFC to eliminate the need forpreliminary computer stress analyses for up to 80% of typical oil,gas and chemical process piping layouts.PFC is based on the Guided Cantilever Method. Guided cantilevermethods have been used by piping analysts and designers decadesbefore specialized computer programs, such as CAESAR II andAutoPIPE, were available. PFC can be used as a check on theseprograms. Guided cantilever methods are still very popular and areaccepted by national and international piping codes andstandards.PFC includes detailed instructions on how to use the program.PFC also has a theory section that describes the Guided CantileverMethod, its equations, and assumptions.